Shaded Moon Entertainment is an independent rock label, based in the village of Assendelft, The Netherlands. The focus of the company is hard rock, heavy metal, power metal, progressive rock/ metal and AOR, because we like these styles ourselves.
We started some years ago for the love of melodic rock music. The company started with band management. Bands like Gravedroid and Phyrus were under this management. We booked gigs, talked about the direction, financed recordings, did all the promotions and publicity and gave moral support. Later on we also released the promotional CDs of these bands.
The label started with the release of the “Melodic Metal Worldwide Part I” CD, with 14 melodic metal bands from around the globe and the “Dreamend” album from Bosnian power metal band Symbolic. Unfortunately after that the activity halted. After a long time of silence we started again in 2016.
This new start resulted in the long awaited CD release of the first solo album from ex-Kayak vocalist Edward Reekers. In 1980 CNR records released the “The Last Forest” album only on vinyl and cassette. After that it was never released in other forms. Shaded Moon’s owner David van Hartingsveldt expected some other label would reissue this album sooner or later. When this still wasn’t the case in 2016, he made the effort and contacted Edward and CNR. Original producer Stephen W Tayler (known for his works with o.a. Kate Bush and Brand X) remastered the old recordings and Edward wrote the liner notes. The original album is accompanied by five bonus tracks, taken from singles Edward recorded for Polydor.
Right after this release we started some new projects that unfortunately didn’t go through. In 2020 we released “Cosmic Vision”, the debut album by the Peruvian band Dangerous Project. This neoclassical band featuring guitarist Oscar Martin received some favourable reviews from South America, Spain, Greece and Japan.
In 2022 the debut album of Dutch (neo) prog rockband Galaxy (featuring Kayak vocalist Bart Schwertmann) was released on both LP and CD. “Runaway Men” was recorded 25 years earlier but never got an release. This album got raving reviews in the international press. Due to the release, the band started rehearsing again and even performed at the prestigious Boerderij venue in Zoetermeer.
Fast forward to 2024. This year we will definitely be releasing the new album by the Czech band Different Light called “Binary Suns Part 2 – Alternate Reality”. For the rest, there are still plans that have not yet been finalized. This will become more clear in the near future.